Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 Christmas Party

Here are some photos and videos taken from the 2008 Christmas party organized by The New York Haut-Nkam Association. As you can see, the room was crowded and the DJ Bosco was there to keep peoples up.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Six Flags great aventures

Dear Members, here are some pictures and videos of our recent trip to "Six Flags Hurricane Habor" in New Jersey as well as the reaction of some keys members of our association.


The Arrival

Who says you need an ocean to enjoy waves?
Come splash around in two-to-five-foot rolling waves in Blue Lagoon, our million-gallon wave pool.
New York Haut-Nkam Association is building a strong relationship between our members and the cameroonian community. Here is one way to make our members become stress-free. There are some funnies coming up. please be aware and for those who don't have a strong kidney, avoid this site for the coming day!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Notre President couronne a Bruxelle

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Friday, May 9, 2008

How the democratic primary can ends? THE SCENARIOS

The Washington Post's Balz writes, "Party strategists sketch out at least three scenarios for a possible end to the Clinton campaign. The cleanest envisions Clinton suddenly deciding the race is over and, for the good of the party, deciding to suspend her candidacy. That could happen after next week's primary in West Virginia, which she is expected to win easily, or the following week, when she is expected to win Kentucky and Obama is favored to win Oregon."

"The messy scenario would see Clinton continuing her campaign all the way to the Democratic National Convention in Denver in late August -- arguing that she would be the stronger nominee against Sen. John McCain -- and mounting challenges before the party's credentials committee over the seating of Michigan and Florida delegates."

"At this point, neither the clean nor messy endgame seems likely -- to strategists in either campaign or to other Democrats watching the race. Clinton vowed to stay in the race but also has pledged that, if it is clear Obama has the nomination sewn up, to support him and work to unify the party and defeat McCain. That suggests the third scenario, that the race will not end until June 3 or soon after. Given what she said Wednesday about staying in until there is a nominee, and given the likelihood of rapid movement of superdelegates to Obama once the primaries are over (if not before), Clinton could declare the race over at that point.”

“A fourth scenario envisions Clinton being forced suddenly to suspend her campaign because she is out of money. Already she and her husband have lent the campaign more than $11 million. In addition, the campaign as of April had reported debts of about $10 million."

The Los Angeles Times notes how there's no clear path to victory for Clinton, nor a clear path to the exit. “One Clinton aide said Thursday: ‘There is a profound sadness’ among the staff. ‘I don't think anyone sees that there's a clear path to victory here.’”

“Richard Schiffrin, a national finance co-chairman for Clinton, is scheduled to meet with other fundraisers and her next week. Schiffrin said he would tell her: "Let's look at the situation as it exists and think about whether there's a credible path to the nomination, and if there isn't, what's Plan B?’”

“He added: ‘The bottom line is she's going to make a decision that in my view will be in the best interests of the party and the country.’”

The New York Times’ editorial page, which has endorsed Clinton but has been equally critical of the tone of her campaign, fires this warning shot at Team Clinton: “We believe it is her right to stay in the fight and challenge Senator Barack Obama as long as she has the desire and the means to do so. That is the essence of the democratic process. But we believe just as strongly that Mrs. Clinton will be making a terrible mistake - for herself, her party and for the nation - if she continues to press her candidacy through negative campaigning with disturbing racial undertones. We believe it would also be a terrible mistake if she launches a fight over the disqualified delegations from Florida and Michigan.”

More: “Mrs. Clinton claimed in an interview with USA Today that she would be the better nominee because a recent poll showed that ‘Senator Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again.’ She added: ‘There’s a pattern emerging here.’ Yes, there is a pattern - a familiar and unpleasant one. It is up to Mrs. Clinton to change it if she hopes to have any shot at winning the nomination or preserving her integrity and her influence if she loses.”

Campaigning in Oregon yesterday, Clinton said, per NBC/NJ’s Mike Memoli: “People say to me all the time, ‘Well are you going to keep going?’ Well yes, of course, I’m going to keep going. And why am I going to keep going? I’m going to keep going because you keep going… That’s what you do, if you believe that the future can be better than the present. I believe that with all my heart. As I look out at all of you, I know, we can turn this country around.”

Memoli also notes that, given its mail-in ballot, Oregon is a much different primary contest. Voters already have their ballots in hand, and by some estimates, most have already voted. For those still waiting, Hillary Clinton has some ideas. “I hope that you’ll really pay attention to this campaign,” she said. “Those of you who’ve already made up your mind to support me, send it in. If you think you’ve made up your mind to support my opponent, wait a while. Keep thinking. Keep listening. Keep watching. Keep hoping for that debate, which would really make it a very clear choice that you’d be able to see as we talked about the issues that affect Oregon.”

Clinton also made note of the fact that she’s accepted an invitation from the state party to debate, and even offered to do so on short notice. “They asked would we be willing to debate, I said absolutely, any time anywhere,” she said. “I heard that my opponent just changed his schedule, he’s going to be in Portland tomorrow. I’m going to be in Portland tomorrow. I’ll meet anywhere for a debate… And I’m sure we can set up so that the people who asked the questions, you know, asked questions that were substantive about where we stand on the issues.”

WSJ lead editorial is headlined the "Clinton Divorce": "Truth be told, this was always a marriage more of convenience than love. The party's progressives never did like Bill Clinton's New Democrat ways, but after Walter Mondale and Michael Dukakis they needed his epic political gifts to win back the White House. They hated him for their loss of Congress in 1994, but they tolerated Dick Morris and welfare reform to keep the presidency in 1996. The price was that they had to put their ethics in a blind Clinton trust. Whitewater and the missing billing records, Webb Hubbell, cattle futures and "Red" Bone, the Lincoln Bedroom, Johnny Chung and the overseas fund-raising scandals, Paula Jones and lying under oath, Monica and the meaning of ‘is.’ Democrats, or all of them this side of Joe Lieberman and Pat Moynihan, defended the Clintons through it all. Everything was dismissed as a product of the ‘Republican attack machine,’ an invention of the ‘Clinton haters,’ or ‘just about sex.’

The gloating editorial ends: “It took 10 years, but you might say Democrats have finally voted to impeach."

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Abah Abah Rushed to the Hospital

One of the two former government ministers arrested on Monday took ill today and was rushed to the hospital. Hospital sources say, Polycarp Abah Abah, former Minister of finance had a malaise.
The two Ministers and almost a dozen of their collaborators are still at the Police Head quarters as preliminary investigations continue.

Two days into these investigations, sources say Polycarp Abah Abah is being questioned on irregularities noticed in the management of the Value Added Tax, during his term as Director of Taxes (he was Director of Taxes before appointed Minister).

Urbain Olanguena Awono is being linked to apparent mismanagement of funds allocated to the National AIDS Control Committee and the National Roll Back Malaria committee, two bodies that benefit from huge funds from government and Cameroon’s development partners.

The coordinators of these two committees are among officials that are currently being detained.

Meanwhile, Polycarp Abah Abah was led to his luxurious Odza home yesterday to be present as investigators execute a search warrant intended to seek for more evidence.

The former Pay Master General, Luc Etogo Mbezele, who was arrested alongside his former boss was later released for health reasons, his wife was ordered to represent him, whenever he shall be convened.

Monday, March 31, 2008

La diaspora Camerounaise : des raisons d'espérer

Suite aux émeutes qui ont embrasé le Cameroun, plusieurs mouvements politiques sont réapparus sur le devant de la scène et diverses tendances idéologiques ont semblé se dessiner.

Les troubles sociaux qui ont bouleversé notre triangle national, il y a quelques semaines, ont révélé avec acuité l’ampleur des problèmes socio-économiques qui sévissent dans notre pays. Ces mouvements populaires ont, par ailleurs, remis à l’ordre du jour l’impérieuse nécessité pour tous les Camerounais, de quelques horizons qu’ils soient, de se pencher avec courage et lucidité sur les moyens d’actions à mettre en œuvre pour amorcer un changement profond dans notre pays : un changement politique, certainement, dans la conduite et l’exercice du pouvoir et un changement systémique dans les comportements citoyens et les mœurs populaires qui parfois frisent l’irraisonnable.

A cet égard, on a pu voir se dessiner, après d’âpres discussions de café, quelques communiques bouillants, des manifestations diverses et des initiatives citoyennes en tout genre, plusieurs tendances « idéologiques » au sein de la très grande diaspora Camerounaise. Ces tendances, particulièrement boostées par le développement des médias Internet (qui leur ont donné une certaine visibilité), constituent certainement l’essentiel de carte « politique » - dans le sens étymologique de « participation à la vie de la cité » - du Cameroun à l’extérieur. Elles ne sont certainement pas exhaustives.

Le premier groupe identifié, particulièrement révélé sur Internet, est bien évidemment celui des activistes politiques, que d’aucuns n’hésitent pas à appeler de manière péjorative « agitateurs » ; ou encore « tintamares » comme a pu le faire l’ambassadeur Mbella Mbella, ironisant par ailleurs, avec une bonne dose de malice, sur leurs manifestations place du Trocadéro à Paris. Ces activistes, qui officient habituellement dans l’ombre de leurs diverses organisations depuis fort longtemps, ont en effet « tiré profit » de la crise sociale de Février, pour réapparaître aux yeux de l’opinion publique et montrer qu’il existe, encore, une sorte d’opposition dite radicale au régime du Président Biya, type année 90, au sein de la diaspora.

Si on peut s’interroger quelques fois sur les relents guerriers de certaines déclarations, la cacophonie engendrée par les luttes inter-organisationnelles et l’absence totale, apparente ou avérée, de propositions (critique hystérique et systématique du système !), on ne peut nier l’impact sur la conscience collective des diverses manifestations organisées ça et là pour condamner les exactions commises pendant les émeutes et faire montre de la solidarité d’une partie de la diaspora envers les nombreuses familles qui ont perdu un fils, un neveu ou un cousin au cours de cette semaine tragique.

Opération Epervier: Abah Abah et Olanguena sous les verrous.

Cette fois, ce n’est plus une rumeur. L’opération Epervier a bel et bien repris son envol. L’ancien Ministre de l’Economie et des Finances M. Abah Abah Polycarpe ainsi que l’ancien Ministre de la Santé Olanguena Awono Urbain sont entre les mains de la Police Judiciaire.

Ce lundi 31 mars 2008, vers 6h 30, le commandant du Groupement Spécial des Opérations (GSO) s’est présenté avec ses éléments au domicile de Polycarpe Abah Abah alors que celui-ci était encore dans son lit. L’ancien Minefi a été réveillé par le personnel de sa maison sur injonction du Commandant Fosoah. Venu s’enquérir de ce qui se passait, M. Abah Abah a été prié par les forces de l’ordre de les suivre. Un temps lui a été donné pour se préparer (se changer entre autre) ; et quelques minutes après, l’ex-ministre a pris le volant de sa Peugeot 407 encadré par les voiture des gendarmes, direction : les locaux du GSO. Il devait y patienter en attendant l’ouverture des locaux de la Police Judiciaire.

Presque dans les mêmes temps, d’autres éléments se sont présentés au domicile de l’ex-ministre de la Santé M. Olanguena Awono Urbain pour lui signifier le mandat d’amener délivrer par le procureur de la République. Il a également été amené aux locaux du GSO en attendant également l’ouverture des bureaux de la PJ. Vers 8h 40, les deux hommes, ainsi que d’autres personnes qui ont été arrêtés et donc nous sommes incapables en ce moment de vous communiquer les identités ont été amenés dans les locaux de la Police Judiciaire. Et en fin de matinée, ils ont été présentés au Procureur de la République.